Katia Krassas
🍃 Nature 🍃
🍃 Connection 🍃
🍃 Empowerment 🍃


Integrated Holistic Healing, counselling &
Nature COnnection programs for women


Katia’s profession weaves together a combination of her varied interests, creating an integrated approach to personal development, nature connection, community, and spirituality.

She is a Holistic Counsellor, Reiki energy healer, Facilitator of Nature Connection programs for women.

Her expertise in emotional resilience is key in her work with clients, as a guide to turn inward to resolve pain, gain insights and heal.

Her awareness of life’s interconnectedness with all of nature from a spiritual as well as a physical perspective has deepened through the exploration of Deep Ecology, coming full circle from the university education in biology acquired in her youth.

The training she has undertaken in Facilitation and Collaborative Management through the Groupwork Institute of Australia is anchored in values of non-violence and sustainability, with a strong emphasis on self-awareness, self-responsibility and resilient communities. She embraces the teachings in her life and her work.

She is particularly interested is supporting women in mid-life. This is a powerful and complex time where hormonal changes turn up the heat on life’s challenges. For many women this time can be difficult and life-changing. In a society where youth is glorified and women are valued for physical beauty, mid-life can be confronting and transformational.  Tuning into nature teaches us about life’s seasons and cycles, where transitions are normal and natural, as is aging.

Let’s embrace a world where older women are loved and valued as strong contributors to society, where younger women can look forward to their older years as a time of inner strength and being respected for who they are in their wholeness.

Katia sees the sacred task of our times as the courage to turn inward, to awaken and take action by clearing the barriers to connecting with our true essence, our soul-centred inner authority, and through that process finding the outward connection to community and to Mama Earth.

Gain insights and make informed choices to create change
in alignment with your own heart-centred truth and values.

Support is available for -

Emotional Resilience
Developing Strengths
Managing Sensitivity in a Faced-Paced World
Increasing Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem
Deepening Relationship with Nature and Mamma Earth

Katia’s vision is for humanity to be empowered and aligned in mind, body, heart and soul; to co-create with nature, so all beings may flourish on our beautiful planet.